AD : Christmas Experience at Lotherton

 Our tickets were gifted as part of the visit but all words are my own personal opinion

The excitement in the car was at an incredibly high level as we travelled to Lotherton for the Christmas Experience. The girls 11,13 may not believe in the big man any more but they are still very much into the Christmas festivities and even my eldest asks to go to Lotherton every year.

Last year I was lucky enough to work at the Christmas Experience, the team behind it are amazing and really do go the extra mile to make the whole experience special for families. This year was no exception. Even though we have been many times before,it always feels magical.

We began our experience by making out magic keys for Santa, my son thoroughly engaged and enjoying the experience.

My grumpy 13 year old pretending to be too cool for school. She tried her hardest not to smile and enjoy herself but it clearly didn't work. The Christmas magic soon got to her too!

After we had made our Christmas keys it was time to make a wish. The children each made their wishes before we were greeted by an elf to take us to see the big man himself.

Santa was brilliant with them, even with a 13 year old who was trying her hardest to be too cool. The elf took some elfies with my phone and we all had a good giggle at them.

We visited on a rather cold night so decided not to do the woodland walk. While it is something we have enjoyed on previous years it was just far too cold for us. Instead we headed over to elf crafts and made some sand art pictures. The 13 year old loved this, she even smiled!

We have a mini tradition at Lotherton to pose, and strike random poses with as many Christmas trees as we can find. The house is the best place for this, plus it was warm in there!

The house did not disappoint and the random posing by the trees began

All three seem to enjoy this random tradition we have started.

Our final activity was off to see Mrs Claus who had been baking gingerbread men.

Each of the children had their own gingerbread to decorate whilst they sang Christmas carols. Once they had finished there was the opportunity for a photo with Mrs Claus. 

The whole Lotherton experience was magical as always and one we always recommend to our friends. I think any experience which can cause a teenager to fall asleep on the way home must be a good one!

Thank you to the fantastic team at Lotherton for having us. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the Christmas Experience

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