A H&A Scavenger hunt

The girls were super excited to be taking part in a scavenger hunt but this wasn't any ordinary scavenger hunt, we’re taking part in the H&A summertime scavenger hunt!  For our scavenger hunt we could think of no better place than Grandma and Grandads garden!  Full of places for the girls to explore and a little more exciting than our own garden it was perfect.

I gave the girls the list:

Something blue
A rainbow
Something that grows
A summer creepy crawly (butterflies, ladybirds, beetles)
A circle
A red front door
A ball
Something on wheels
H&A Frozen Olaf Bath & Shower Bubbles
H&A Frozen Olaf Colour Change Wash Mitt

My eldest read the list and both her and my youngest ran around the garden looking for things, the first item on the list caused a few arguments my eldest pointed to her swing and my youngest pointed to her slide both blue and both needed playing on before we could continue

My eldest then went a little out of order, but that's OK.  She remembered seeing red door on the list and took me to the car at the top of the drive.  Sure enough it had a red door and with it only a 2 seater it had a red front door.

Back to the list the girls were struggling to find a rainbow so we put this on hold to look for the next item on the list.  For some time the girls have been waiting for Grandads fig tree to grow some figs, and for the figs to grow enough for them to eat.  As soon as the girls read something that grows they ran over to the fig tree and pointed to the figs that they are so eagerly waiting to grow.

Hunting high and low there appeared to be no creepy crawlies, the girls did say the dogs crawl and they could crawl which I thought was a wonderful interpretation of the item to find.  Putting another on hold for us to find later we set off in search of a circle.  The girls tried to catch spotty dog as the quite rightly pointed out that spots are circles, but she wouldn't sit still long enough.  My youngest looked down and got very excited when she saw the spots on her wellie boots, lots of circles!

Next on the list was a ball.  With three dogs running around the garden I thought the girls would have picked up one of the balls the dogs play with but instead they pointed at the statue at the bottom of the garden, I love how the girls interpret each item.

We jumped into the girls electric car, which also was something on wheels, and headed to the end of the garden to hunt for creepy crawlies and a rainbow

At the end of the garden are some lovely blackberry bushes, scavenger hunting was clearly hard work as both girls stopped for a quick bite to eat.

It was rather lucky they did because hidden amongst the apple trees near the blackberries the girls spotted a butterfly, a perfect summer creepy crawly.

We hunted high and low for a rainbow, my youngest however began turning over flower pots.  As she did so she began singing I can sing a rainbow.  Then she started jumping and screaming, 'a rainbow Mummy a rainbow!'  Sure enough under a plant pot she had found a rainbow

A garden H&A scavenger hunt meant the girls were now ready for a bath, and a bath and Grandma house is obviously much more fun.  We ran the bath with our H&A Frozen Olaf Bath & Shower Bubbles

It was not long before the girls jumped into the warm bubble bath and had a nice warm hug with their H&A Frozen Olaf Colour Change Wash Mitt

A perfect way to spend the day at Grandma house!

If you would like to see more H&A scavenger hunts please take a look here 

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