February Half term

It dawned on me this week that I had not wrote about our half term.  I noticed I had drafted the post and got all the images together but not finished writing the post.

Our February half term was one filled with a very poorly Little Man.  A combination of teething and cold left him feeling very under the weather.

I completed my first race of the year and then spent the rest of the week with the virus Little Man had caught.  I was completely under the weather with a sore throat and cough.

After a few days staying at home, listening to audio books, playing games and generally trying to get over the illness that had set in, we decided to venture out for a day trip to York.

I wasn't aware until recently that you could download audio books for children from Audible.  I have downloaded some of the classics from my childhood, including several Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton books for the girls to listen to.  They love listening to them both in the car and when we travel on the train and for the train journey to York they kept the girls entertained.

Our first stop in York was the railway museum.  

The girls began by exploring the trains in the great hall and my youngest desperate to help tried to move the suitcases.  Unfortunately I didn't have the heart to tell her they were stuck to the platform as part of the display.  She did put in all her effort!

There was an old fashioned fairground outside.  I bought the girls some tokens and let them pick which they wanted to go on.  They wanted the helter skelter but were denied entry as my eldest was too short and my youngest too young, the second choice was the swings.

My eldest daughter then had a fall in the playground and we had to go inside to seek medical help.  Luckily she was Ok and we decided to take it easier and look at some more of the trains.  The railway museum is very hands on and the girls loved exploring the inside of the trains

We could have easily spent a lot longer at the Railway museum.  There were plenty of talks, and activities to keep us busy but we decided to go and explore and see what else York had to offer.

We made sure we adjusted our dress before leaving......

I love exploring the streets of York.  I always seem to find something new.  The streets are all different, unique and all have such a charm about them.  The feel was very different from the last time we visited as it had been over the Christmas period

We walked passed a wide variety of shops, stopping to look in the windows as we passed.  The girls eyes getting wider as they saw chocolate and sweets shops, before dashing to a giant bear outside the teddy bear shop.

The girls asked if we could find Vikings as we walked around York and sure enough we happened to stubble upon some.  My youngest took it upon herself to do battle and I admit to feeling very nervous as she was handed a REAL viking sword.

She seemed to really get into character and enjoyed becoming a viking!

After a day walking round and exploring York it was time for dinner.  With both girls loving Pizza there could only be one choice and that was the PizzaExpress restaurant on the banks of York’s River Ouse.  The view from here looks straight over the River Ouse and it is stunning.  I want to return for lunch in the summer as I can bet it is the best place to sit out in the sun in York.  As it was I had two poorly children, it was dark, cold and raining and so we opted to sit inside.

The interior of PizzaExpress York River House has just gone through a major refurbishment and you would be forgiven for thinking you were in a luxury hotel, rather than a PizzaExpress restaurant.  The interior really surprised us, especially with the beautiful fire place [I couldn't get a picture as it was too close to another family who were eating!].

Little Man began to get really poorly and very upset.  He just wanted to be cuddled and held tight.  

We decided to finish our dinner and head home.  We will however be returning to PizzaExpress York River House as the whole setting is beautiful.

We spent another day at home relaxing and giving Little Man time to recover before heading out on a very exciting adventure, that however is another post!

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