
Now today may be Halloween but if truth be told I'm not the biggest fan.  I do love the younger children excited to get dressed up and am more than happy to partake in the 'treat' aspect.  I'd love to carve a pumpkin when the girls are a little bigger, maybe next year and a few spooky decorations yeah ok.  The problem I have is the mischief makers those few that ruin it for all else, the ones who egg your house and those who make no effort to dress up and still expect a treat.  Rather than dwell on this I thought I'd focus on something more positive.

My eldest daughter thought Halloween was great last year as she got to dress up and answer the door, this year the trick or treaters scare her but she loves the sweets.  She seemed rather reluctant to hand over the bowl

Halloween Sweets

She helped with all the trick or treaters and we even dressed up.  It has been quiet now for quite sometime and my daughter has come to realise the sweets that are left are for us to eat.  After her bath she said' when Mr sun comes to play can I have sweet please mummy?' I said to her ' for helping mummy with the door you can pick a sweet from the bowl for tomorrow' she has put her sweet on the kitchen counter top ready for the morning.

This day I love sweets.

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  1. I love the idea of your blog and what a great way to make everyday feel positive! I haven't done much for halloween this year and haven't decided whether we ever will but I am quite happy we didn't have too many trick or treaters as I do love sweets! x

    1. Thank you for the lovely comment. It is exactly what I wanted to do to take a positive from each day so I can look back with the girls when they are older.


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