Fresh Air

by - 23:11

After a very strange night which started with my eldest walking into my room and declaring the following statement ' Mummy, I have had a nice nap, lets go downstairs now' and taking me until 1.30 to get her to go back to sleep.  This then followed with my youngest waking at 2.50 am and was awake until 1pm where she had a 30 min nap given me time to get dressed.  Needless to say today I have been a bit tired.

I had planned to take the girls to a Welly Wander at Wentworth Castle today, however this started at 10.30 am and at that time I was not dressed nor functioning enough to drive a car or organise the children.  So the morning was a little slow.  

The weather had cleared up a little so this afternoon I took the girls for a walk around the streets where we live, more to get some fresh air and just to get out of the house for a bit.  I am hoping that the fresh air will do the girls some good, maybe even help them sleep a little better tonight, we shall wait and see.

I enjoyed walking with them, it certainly gave me a little more energy after a horrible night and a slow start to the day.  Its amazing what a bit of fresh air can do.

read to go

This day I love Fresh air.

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  1. So tell you drink coffee? That sounds like a perfect day to drink a couple cups just to stay awake. haha. I'm excited about being your newest follower! Found your blog from the Friday Chaos blog hop! Woot Woot! Yay for a new bloggy buddy!

    1. No not able to drink coffee, think thats why the fresh air was needed! Following back thank for stopping by

  2. What a nice post! Fresh air is great medicine sometimes :)
    Stopping by from Friday Chaos. Thanks for hosting :) Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can.

  3. Lovely post. Thanks for linking up at this weeks Friday Chaos!
    I'm now a new follower.


    1. Thank you, I appreciate the return follow. I do like Friday Chaos

  4. Oh goodness what a night/day you had! Hope the fresh air helps!
    Thanks for linking up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party :))


  5. I've had days like this. Hope you get some rest this weekend.

    1. Would love to get a bit of rest but as its almost 1 and my youngest is up its doubtful

  6. I am lacking fresh air today, it hasn't stopped raining all day and I haven't left the house! You are right though, a bit of fresh air is a big help x

    1. think sometimes its just good to get out and clear our mind. Hate it when stuck inside all the time

  7. Sounds like a horrid night in the parenting world, hope the past couple have been better and that the walk did help. Thank you for linking up to Country Kids, I do believe in the magic powers of a little fresh air!

    1. Fresh air holds great powers, unfortunately my youngest was up from 12.30 til 4.30 last night and woke again at 5.30 eldest up at 6. One day they will sleep. Thanks for hosting linky

  8. Oh they are so cute that you couldn't even be mad for them waking you. Hope the fresh air did help them to sleep.

    1. No never mad, they only little once. One day will be teenagers and will struggle to wake them up!

  9. I always found that a walk in the fresh air helped too! In fact, we were all grumpy as hell this morning which is when I made us all get out!

    Popping over from Country Kids

    1. It always does which is why I hate it when it rains and I get stuck inside


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