snowmen and flashing ducks

We finally finished our snowman!  Back on a toddler proof Christmas tree  my daughter and I started making a snowman at her request.  We had left him to dry and then would start painting.  Yesterday we finished a second coat of white paint and this morning he was dry.  

The next step therefore in making the snowman is to stick on, eyes, nose and buttons.  We used pom poms in colours for the buttons, but you could just as easily use any other item including buttons themselves.  We used black pom poms for the eyes and smile and an orange pom pom for a nose.  I was thinking that for future we could have stuck an empty egg carton on for his nose so that it looked more like a carrot, but we went for the orange look similar to the snowman in the snowman book.

I wrapped a piece of fluffy material around the neck to create a scarf and then my daughter stuck some felt onto the head to create a hat.  She was very happy with the end result.

snowman finished

I found today whilst doing the weekly food shop some flashing ducks which you put in the bath.  The girls love water and having a bath and seen as they were Christmas ducks, I thought I would treat the girls.  When I put the ducks in the water the girls absolutely loved them.   The girls faces were so amazing and they spent their bath time playing with these ducks.

flashing duck

This day I love snowmen and flashing ducks

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  1. So very cute and am now following you on Twitter and Facebook, too. Thanks for the follow and comment on my blog :)

    1. You are more than welcome and thank you for following back

  2. That snowman is such a cute and creative idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I'm now following you through facebook!

    1. Thanks for follow back. It was good fun to make too

  3. The snowman is adorable and the flashing ducks for the bath--brilliant! I need to get some of those for my granddaughter!!! Following your blog now via GFC.

    1. Thanks for follow. The flashing ducks keep them entertained for a long time, was a real good find

  4. The snowman is lovely, I think his fluffy scarf is brilliant! Those ducks look amazing too, my two would love them :)

    1. Thanks, I love the fluffy scarf too think it makes it even more festive

  5. love the snowman he looks excellent! and flashing ducks is a bonus!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous! That's a brilliant snowman and I want those ducks.

    1. Have a go at the snowman he really easy to do and so much fun. Let me know if you do

  7. Great snowman and my daughter would want some of those amazing flashing ducks :) thanks for sharing with us at Creative Mondays Merry Christmas ....

    1. Thanks for coming over to look. We love the snowman and the ducks too, hope you had a great Christmas

  8. Hi there from Aquariann's Snowflake Blog Hop!
    The snowman looked like such a fun family project. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Cute! Thank you so fairy much for joining my Snowflake Blog Hop.

  10. Wow that snowman is good. No mine aren't that good :)

    1. Thank you, im sure they are and am awaiting a photo

  11. Those ducks are adorable! And I love the snowman! How clever!

    1. The snowman was so easy to do, really recommend giving it a go


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