a weird day

A weird day is the only way I can think of to describe today.  I think my eldest is starting to get fed up of the house and garden.  I wanted to take the girls out today but was awaiting delivery of my youngest new car seat.  Due to arrive between 7 and 7, eventually turned up at 16:30, so no chance of going anywhere.  She asked if she could go, shopping, to nursery, to her Grandmas, to the park, to see football, to our friends house before packing a very small bag and declaring she was off to visit her cousins.

My youngest was in an even stranger mood and decided that all she wanted to do today was bite, yes that is bite, our dog.  She chased him round the house and every time she got hold of him she bit him.  He ran upstairs so she followed.  Poor J I felt so sorry for him and had to keep pulling her away.

upstairsbiting dog

To make it even stranger the weather which has snowed constant, although never very heavy, for the past few days decided to be brilliant blue sky, still freezing.  It made for such gorgeous views up our street

back garden

So overall a very strange day, I am hoping to get out tomorrow as the girls and I really need a change of scenery

This day I love a weird day. 

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  1. Beautiful blue sky in the bottom photo and the white trees look so stark against it. Hope you manage to get out tomorrow, it sounds like you are all getting cabin fever!

    1. Cabin fever well and truly set in! Thats the view from the side of our house I thought it was really pretty!

  2. Oh poor puppy :(
    It must seem very dull for children having to await the whim of John Lewis etc!

    1. Yeah they dont understand the waiting in and they always deliver really late too

  3. that is hilarious about biting the dog (I'm sure the dog didn't think so though). your baby looks a similar age to my daughter and mine loves chasing after granny's dog! (she only seems to like biting my boobs though when feeding - I think i'd rather she bit the dog). xxx

    1. She is 8 months old, not sure why biting the dog. She bites me too and it hurts!

  4. Ha wonder why she took to biting the dog!?! He must have a very good temperament to not respond in kind though!

    1. No idea why she decided to do that. He just sat and took it, good dog like that

  5. Hope you are all o.k, including your dog! Love the last photo! It's stunning! Thanks for linking up! x

    1. Thanks, dog is fine he used to the girls! I loved the view and had to get a picture hope it comes across ok

  6. Dog biting! Your poor dog. I hope he's patient :-)

    1. Yes, he is very patient with them. I am not sure why she decided to do it

  7. I hope you have had some better days since then!

  8. Ooh you can't beat a bit of cabin fever madness can ya? Hope things got better after that :)


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