It is my youngest daughters first pancake day and one which my eldest has seen lots about pancakes and has asked me all day if she can flip them. Not wanting to disappoint I made some special pancakes with her so we could flip pancakes together and have a pancake race.
We started by drawing around one of her toy saucepan lids on some felt:
Whilst my Mum and the girls drew the pancakes and cut them out, I was cutting up small rectangle pieces of pink felt to represent ham, some purple and red splat shapes to represent jam, some yellow strips to represent lemon, and some yellow dots for honey. I had silver glitter for sugar and some shredded yellow tissue paper to represent cheese. By which point I had run out of other things to put on pancakes other than chocolate, but had no appropriate coloured felt for this.
My daughter then put each pancake in her frying pan went to her play cooker and cooked them, flipping the pancakes as she walked back over to the table.
The really fun part came next as we decorated each of our pancakes. It was great to hear my daughter using her imagination 'I need more ham for this pancake please Mummy' or 'Lets put more sugar on this pancake Grandma'.
When we had finished decorating the pancakes, my daughter wanted to see how high we could flip them.
The downside of flipping a pancake with glitter on is that glitter goes everywhere including on the dog
I really love that these pancakes can now be used as play food in her pretend kitchen and she can continue to play with them.
For the girls dinner I made them pancakes, well how could I not. I decided to make rainbow shape pancakes. I made a simple batter mixture, 110g plain flour, 2 eggs, 200ml milk, 75ml water, 50g butter and pinch salt, mixed together. I then separated into 7 separate bowls and added food colouring. I added enough colouring until I got the colour I wanted. I thought about crushing strawberries for the red, blueberries for the blue and other fruits for the other colours unfortunately I did not get chance to do it this way but may do next year.
I made sure the pan was nice and hot and then placed into the pan a metal cookie cutter shape.
I spooned batter into each of the shapes and then quickly and carefully removed the cutter. [I had plastic shape cutters but figured they would melt in a hot pan, and I had to carefully remove the meta shape cutter as they got hot quick!] If you leave the cutters in the pan too long the batter sticks to the sides and becomes really hard to get the pancake out in one piece.
I did this for each of the different colours until I had done them all. I then plated up my rainbow stars for each of the girls
The girls really loved the shaped pancakes and the different colours, I could have stacked them but I think it would have looked to big to eat for my girls. My eldest daughter loved talking about the different colours and offered a pink star to her sister.
This day I love a day of pancakes and glitter.
How fun! I bet they loved every minute of it! Have a great day!
They did
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