Balloon dog

I had to pop out today to pick up a few things.  With it half term at the moment everywhere is pretty busy.  The nice thing though is that there tends to be more entertainment on for the children.  Whilst in the local shopping centre I came across a lady making balloon models.  My eldest daughter was fascinated by her and wanted to stay and watch.  She was given a balloon dog with a lead.

Well that was it.  For the rest of the day my eldest walked this balloon dog everywhere.  She wanted to be careful with him so he spent most of his time flying than walking

Balloon dog

She took him to the vets, as our dog needed a check up.  The balloon dog came to the dry cleaners and my eldest told everyone he was having a walk in the sky, as she kindly pointed out that dogs cannot fly.  She took him to the train station and to the supermarket.  He even came with us to pick up my youngest from nursery.  She then put balloon dog in his own bed, but told me not to take a picture in case he woke up.

My youngest later woke him up

woke up balloon dog

This day I love Balloon dog.

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  1. soo cute! my kids love balloon animals too :)

  2. New follower from the Friendly Friday hop. Such precious girls! Now I want a balloon dog!


  3. Your newest follower from the blog hop. :) You've got an adorable little family there--looks like we'll be having some of the same adventures.
    Stop by and say hello!
    -Rachael from The Rehomesteaders

  4. What a brilliant idea, the balloon animal lady probably has no idea how much joy it can bring both the children and the parents. Thanks for linking up to Eat.Pray.Love :)

  5. That's a brilliant day out for balloon dog! Hope he wasn't too sleepy when your youngest woke him up!

  6. I love that she took it to the vet... thankfully it didn't need any injections ;) x

  7. That's very cute - he wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes in our house!

  8. I always want to learn how to make them myself!

  9. ahhh so sweet and lovely! We can't put any balloons around T - she just tries to use them as a teether - not good. xxx


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