taking my baby for a walk

The girls and I met with Grandma for a walk around our local town.  Not really looking for anything in particular but more to get the girls out of the house and give their Daddy some space, as he is not feeling well.  My eldest wanted to fetch her doll and pushchair, so they came for a walk too.

walking with the pushchair

The pushchair came everywhere, along the streets and even past all the closed shops

shops closed

The sunglasses stayed on the entire time too.  My youngest was happy sat in her pushchair with her ginger bread man

ginger bread

I think it did the girls good to get out and whilst it may not be as pretty as the walk we did yesterday we still managed to get out and about.  My eldest was so pleased that she had taken her baby for a walk, it was lovely to see her happy.

This day I love taking my baby for a walk

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  1. Cute, my daughter loves pushing her baby too. I fear a proper dolls pram maybe on her Christmas list this year! X

    1. She has a proper dolls pram but I think because her sister has shown an interest in this one she wants to use it all the time

  2. So adorable! It looks like you all had so much fun.

    1. Thanks, it took a long time as she is a little too big for that pushchair but she had a great time

  3. That's so cute, I love that her sunglasses stayed on all day too, she is one classy little lady :)

  4. we got out for a bit of fresh air today and felt better for it. x

  5. I so remember doing this as a child. Funnily enough my daughter never really did, I think having 5 brothers made her a bit of a tom boy. Looks like a lovely bit of fresh air and a great way to make walking for fun for you eldest. I hope Daddy is feeling better now.

    1. I don't know where she gets it from I'm one for climbing trees never really did the pushchair and doll thing

  6. That is very sweet! I love it when little girls become 'little mummies' - very un-feminist, I know, but it's so touching.

  7. Very cute photos! A walk is always good, great the buggy means she wants to keep walking :)

    1. Thank you. She has always wanted to walk everywhere, its a struggle to get her in her own buggy

  8. Lovely photos. That gingerbread man looks good.

    1. I like that both my girls eat his buttons first!

  9. I bless her! It doesn't seem long ago that my daughter was ramming her little dolly buggy into my ankles - looks like yours is far better mannered than mine!

  10. Bless her with the buggy and sunglasses.

    Sometimes it's just nice to get out the house and walk with no real plan

    1. We just needed to get out, was just nice to do so like you say

  11. Such cute pictures, E had that stroller and loved it :)

  12. Both my girls love it, I think it's great as a first walker


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