Transport Interchange

I am very much looking forward to a blog meetup later this week with Britmums.  The event will be in York and I thought rather than drive, although it is close, I would take the girls on the train again.   Our last train journey took us to London and my daughter really loved it.  In preparation for this we went to purchase some tickets from the transport interchange.

My eldest thought the transport interchange was fascinating.  She loved standing on the bridge looking over all the bus stops and watching both the people going by and the buses coming in and out of all the stops.

on the bridge

We continued over the bridge to the train station to purchase some tickets.  She had to stop on another footbridge to watch the trains coming in and out the platform

train on platformwatching trains

I think she would have spent all day looking out the window at the trains.  When one came she would scream with delight and when it left she would ask for another.  In the ticket office she was jumping up and down with excitement I had to explain that we would be getting on the train another day and today we are just watching the trains.  She was a little upset that we would not be getting on one today.

I made it up to her by stopping to watch the buses, which she really loved

watching buses

She was ever so happy watching them and we would have spent longer if it had been a little warmer.  I love how she gets so much enjoyment from watching the world go by.

This day I love transport interchange.

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  1. Wonderful! I wish I could get as excited about buses... that's just so sweet x

  2. A fascinating past time for an youngster. I know my boys when they were young would endlessly watch trains come and go and planes too. Thanks for linking up and I hope the blog meet up was good too.

  3. Kids do love these simple things. It's such a shame we grow out of that sense of wonderment at the world

  4. Harry just adores public transport, which is good, since we don't have a car! We can see the mainline train track from our window and he gets very cross if he catches the tail end of a train!

    1. My daughter gets upset if she sees the end of it too

  5. Our eldest has a fascination with buses. It is lovely looking at the sheer interest on your daughters face, it looks like there's a million thoughts running through her head

  6. Popping over via Country Kids. Have fun at the meet up! x

  7. Lovely! My toddler loves trains, it's such an adventure. Popping in from Country Kids linky.
    Lydia x

  8. I would happily people watch at the station if I had the time! A great way to while away the hours :)

  9. I love the fact that she'll happily watch buses and trains.

    The girls love the adventure of travelling in things other than cars

    1. I know, its great that they like things other than cars

  10. My son would love that too. We've got train journeys in April so he'll have that to look forward to.

  11. That does look like fun. My wee man loves buses and choo choo's too! It is so much excitement!

  12. What a fun day - my boys love getting the train - it's a real treat!

  13. What a lovely way to spend the day. I must take mine back on a train soon - they love it.

  14. There's something magical about the world of transportation that they find enchanting, isn't there? She looks completely captivated.

    Nipping over from Country Kids.

    1. Thank you, yes they find it fascinating and I love watching her


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