Messy play before bed

Having had a long day at work I could not wait to pick up the girls from nursery.  I asked my eldest what she wanted to do and her reply was eat sausages and play in sand.  So whilst I cooked sausages for her dinner the girls had some fun in the sand

exploring shapeswalking in the sand

I placed different shapes in the sand for my daughters to explore the patterns they would make in the sand.  It was a great way to discuss the shapes with my eldest daughter who is learning shapes at the moment.  

After dinner we took the opportunity to play outside as it was a lovely spring day.  We bounced on the trampoline


We spied the Robin sitting on the fence [he is there just to the right of the fence post on top of the fence, I had to take it from a fair distance with my phone so apologies]

Robin on fence

Before having a lie down and looking up at our Oak tree to see if there were any more birds, theboyandme this picture is for you

spring oak

It was really lovely to play with the girls before bed and have some messy play fun too

This day I love messy play before bed.

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  1. Oh that is fabulous! I'd love to lie under that and look up through the branches. Thanks for taking that photo!

    I love rushing home from work to enjoy The Boy's company.

    1. You are welcome. I took the picture earlier in the year and thought it would be nice to document the seasons.

  2. just catching up with your blog. love the messy play ideas and what a great sand tray to have indoors. last time I brought sand indoors J (now nearly 9 but then only about 3) threw it quite literally all over the place in about 30 seconds when I went to answer the doorbell - so haven't tried it since (I suspect he would do the same again now given half the chance). much love xxx


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