Recently we received 4 lovely books from my little big town. The girls absolutely adore reading and so they were both taken by the bright colours and fun pictures. The titles we received are:
Monster book of numbers by Calvin Innes
This fun and colourful book teaches children to count by counting the monsters on each page. Numbers proceed 1-10 then multiples of 5 to 25 followed by 50. Its particularly great that children can use their imagination when counting and both my girls love the fun in this book.
Monster book of colours by Calvin Innes
My youngest is really taken by this book and she is 1. I think she likes that it does not include just your typical colours but also includes, Navy, Maroon, and Dark green to name a few. I think its great to introduce the concept of Dark and light to colours and love that there is a variety of colours from other books. The girls love the eye catching silly monsters that are cleverly drawn to capture the mind of a young child.
Where's the Scone? by Beth Dexter-Smith
My eldest is almost 3 and she finds this book really funny. There are once again lovely bright cartoon style drawings to help keep concentration. It teaches children to count down from 10 in a fun light hearted story. My daughter is recognising the numbers from reading this story. I love that there is an animal in the story called a Gnu, something I had never heard of and had to google.
Anisha's adventures in Bangladesh by Moinul Islam
I love the concept behind this book. About teaching children different cultures and beliefs. The pictures are once again lovely and bright and colourful. The only downside is that there is rather a lot of text. For the age group of my children they would only sit for 2 pages before wanting to go do something else. I think though as they get older maybe 5/6 they would sit and listen to the story more. I do like the story and the concept behind the book but will wait until they are older to read.
Although the girls have had the books a few days I really enjoyed watching my youngest read the books to herself, it brought a huge smile on my face after a very stressful day at work
I love that my girls have such a big interest in books and we absolutely love reading as a family
This day I love reading
We were sent the books to review, all words are my own honest opinion
This day I love comments and I read everyone