23 snaps street team and an update

Back in November when I started blogging I reviewed 23 snaps.  Since that initial review my family have all started to use the app and I update more and more frequently.  It has become part of life and a great way to create a family photo book, capturing our precious moments.  

Since the review back in November, 23 snaps has grown and gone from strength to strength.  Featuring in a range of publications and evolving with time.  The functionality now exists to create photo books of images within 23 snaps and print individual photos.  This is fantastic for my family around the world who can print photos of the girls and have physical copies.  

Security is still a key feature.  23 snaps have no claim to any uploaded photo, meaning they are yours and yours alone.  They cannot and will not use them.  It is also key to remember that only those you invite can see your images, therefore I have only added family members.  It is a private social networking or if you like a family only networking tool.

23 snaps now have a pinterest account, a great blog and have even branched into instagram.  Photos in your instagram feed can be linked and imported directly into your 23 snaps account by tagging photos #23snaps.  There are lots more developments and features in the pipeline and as a 23snaps street team member I look forward to sharing them with you.

my 23snaps

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