Is it a bird?

Old Moor RSPB site had set on some Winter Festive crafts today for children, so I took the girls along.  My eldest made a Father Christmas and my youngest painted a bauble

eldest winter craftyoungest Christmas craft

After a spot of craft, we ventured outside to play on the fantastic park the site has.  Thankfully the rain had stopped.

tractor slideplayground fun

You can't come to an RSPB site though without doing some bird watching

bird watching

The girls were on the look out, but we did not see any birds.  We kept looking though and then something caught their eyes.  Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No its......

Santa Reindeerreindeer

Some reindeer.  Though not just any reindeer, these ones had flown in with a special visitor in tow.  Yes the man himself

eldest and Father Christmas

Father Christmas!

[Although if you want to see the photo previous to this one, my youngest was not so keen]

Youngest not keen

My eldest had the biggest smile on her face.  I love how this year she has true Christmas magic.  I can't wait for next year when my youngest is there too.

After a busy morning the girls where a little hungry so we stopped for lunch.  When who should walk past and sit on the table behind us

Father Christmas lunch

My eldest was beyond distracted from her lunch, although when Father Christmas said to her 'That looks like a nice lunch are you eating it all up like a good girl?'  It soon disappeared!

The girls and I had a really lovely day out together and my eldest is so happy she has seen Father Christmas

This day I love is it a bird?

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  1. What a lovely visit and to meet the man himself was fab! I think it takes the little ones a couple of christmases to get into the swing of things and not be afraid of the strange man with a white beard! Thanks for linking up and sharing your lovely photos with Country Kids.


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