Review : Woolly and Tig app
My eldest daughter jumped with surprise when she saw I had a woolly and Tig app. A little like everyone in Woolly and Tig jump followed by the line 'it's only a toy spider!' So as fans of the show the app proved to be rather popular.
The app costs £2.99 to download and with all apps that cost money I am somewhat a little reluctant to download, as I often want to know what I am getting for my money.
First there are two sections to the app, an adult control part and the app it's self. In order to access the adult section you need to hold down the adult section button. Simply tapping will not open. It's from here that you can control a scheduler. As of yet my three year old has not, to my knowledge, gone into this part of the app which is good news.
The main app then features different activities to do with Woolly. Woolly is beautifully animated and very helpful explaining exactly what to do for each activity. My 3 year old can follow the instructions. I think the general app is an excellent way of explaining how the functionality of a tablet works, slide, tap etc but in a fun way.
The games themselves are slightly simple and whilst my 3 year old enjoys them I think an older child over the age of 6 would not find them challenging. The games look at skills to do with Woolly such as getting him dressed or my daughters favourite brushing teeth. This game involves tapping the toothbrush and then rubbing over Woolly teeth to clean them.
There are other games including fun in the sun and fun in the rain. Which sees Woolly splashing in puddles. After each activity you are awarded a medal.
The app is good fun but is rather simplistic in its use and whilst enjoyable to a 3 year old and worth the money for this age, it perhaps would not suit older children.
We were provided with a free copy of the app to review, all words are my own
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