A Blooming good time
One of my first posts when I started this day I love, was about our visit to Stockeld Park. I have longed to take the girls back as we had such a lovely day out. I saw that Mr Bloom would be visiting this bank holiday weekend and I knew the girls would want to go.
My youngest was around 5 months old last time we went and I don't think she really took much in. This time she was amazed by everything. Normally she eats everything but she was so interested in watching the skaters she forgot about lunch
My eldest loved the skaters too, although she did find it funny when people fell over.
The girls were very intrigued by the huge inflatable air pillow, if I am honest so was I. It wasn't long before we were all on there and having a rather good time.
It was almost 2pm, which meant we had to leave the giant air pillow to go and see Mr Bloom. I have had a chat with the husband to see if we have the space for a giant air pillow and he is looking into it.
We headed over to the large field for the show and it was packed.
Not to worry, it was a lovely day and so we got ourselves comfy. The girls got on our shoulders and whilst we waited, I thought it would be a good idea to test the flip out screen of my Panasonic Lumix TZ55 and take a family picture. Well it sort of worked
So I tried again only this time my youngest decided she wanted down, right at the moment I pressed the button.
She is a little cheeky chops!
I got the zoom ready on the camera, not expecting much but was totally amazed by the pictures I took.
The girls loved watching Mr Bloom, although my youngest calls him Mr Tumble [she gets them mixed up!], they are both huge fans and haven't stopped talking about Mr Bloom and his Vegetables.
Last time we came I don't remember seeing the play area, which was absolutely fantastic. The girls wasted no time in having some fun
It took some convincing/bribing the girls to leave the playground but the Enchanted forest was calling. I love the magical walk around the forest. There is so much to see and do and its truly magical.
We could not come all this way to Stockeld Park without visiting the Maze.
We actually did the maze quite quickly even if we had to stop and say hello to all the gnomes on the way round.
We reached the centre and stood to watch the globe and listen to the facts about the world. I tried to take a family picture with our reflections in the globe.
I think it kind of works? We had such a lovely time today, the girls have seen and done so much. I don't think anything can summarise today better than my youngest in her Mr Bloom hat eating ice cream
This Day I love a blooming good time
I have not been asked by Stockeld to write a review. I paid our entry fee into the park and have not received any compensation to write this post. All images taken in this post are with the Panasonic Lumix TZ55 which I am testing as part of my Panasonic Mum Ambassador. Opinions on the photos and camera are my own.
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