Dora the explorer : in the city twitter party
This Monday 3rd November join me on twitter @thisdayilove and @ukmumstv for a Dora the explorer twitter party. Dora the explorer is celebrating the launch of a new tv program, Dora and friends into the city. The show starts this Monday on Nickelodeon at the same time as the twitter party.
Monday is an inset day for us at school and so we will be having lots of friends over to play and take part in celebrating Dora the explorers new tv programme. We will be watching the show and playing lots of games. Following on from our previous twitter parties the girls and I are really excited and looking forward to Monday. Dora and friends in the city will be on Nickelodeon from 5pm on Monday 3rd November.
I look forward to tweeting with you on Monday 4-6pm, don't forget to follow the hash tag. #doraandfriends
This day I love comments and I read everyone