Counting the pennies
Back in May I became self employed and work on a Freelance basis. Whilst this is great it also has a few stresses attached to it. One of them is finance. Work can never be guaranteed and so one week you can earn more than the other and other weeks you could in theory earn nothing. Watching the spend is therefore very important.
I decided to take a look at Legal & General habits calculator to see where my money goes. I was surprised with the choices in the drop down menu and shall put my spend against:
Alcohol - £0, I don't get time to drink during the week. My kids are very bad sleepers and even at 10.30 I am still trying to get them to go to sleep.
Cigarettes - £0, I don't smoke
Coffee £0, I have a caffeine allergy so that would be a foolish mistake
Eating out - £0, see the reasons for no alcohol. I don't get time to go out places. We occasionally go out me and the girls, or have a takeaway but it isn't weekly and it is more a treat
Lottery - £0, my husband plays but I have no idea what he spends. I might occasionally buy a ticket but I don't play regularly
Lunch - £0, Work from home so lunch is usually whatever I can grab if I get time
Make up - £0 Don't wear it and never have
Nights out - £0, this made me giggle, remember my kids don't sleep
Phone bill - £15, I have an amazing deal where everything is included including data so my phone bill is always £15
Takeaways - £0, they are a treat and not something we have regularly
TV subscription - Currently part of the TalkTalk blogger network so this is paid for.
So using the long term habit calculator hasn't really highlighted much for me. I do know I spend most of my money on the girls and the dogs. I am also trying to do up the house, so a lot of money is going here too. I guess my two biggest spends are the food shop and the girls hobbies.
what are your biggest spends and did the habit calculator bring anything up?
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