At the moment I am trying my best to reduce the amount of sugar in my diet. It is not easy as I have a huge sweet tooth. One of the changes I have made is from juice to water, problem is I am bored of drinking water.
Not sure if it is just me but there is only so much water I can drink before I get fed up with drinking it and want something else. It is at this point I usually add the dilute. The girls also drink a large amount and so I wanted an alternative for them, as well as myself.
Stur provided me with such an alternative. Stur is gluten and wheat free and according to Stur:
An innovative and great tasting range made solely with natural fruit flavours and lightly sweetened with the highest quality, natural stevia leaf extract. Containing zero fat, calories and sugar and 100% of RDA of Vitamin C in every squeeze, Stur not only gives you a metabolism boost, but can help combat tiredness and fatigue'
Stur is perfect for a low calorie diet and can be added to yoghurt, smoothies as well as water. Each stur can make up 30 servings which is 6 litres of water.
Stur has proved to be popular with the girls who haven't noticed the swap from their regular dilute pop. Stur has really given me a new love for water and given water a much better taste
All words are my own opinion. I was provided with Stur samples.
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