Review : Spot a Lot Vehicle adventure

On our recent holiday I took our Parragon book buddy book, Spot a lot Vehicle adventure with us.  With a 3 hour flight ahead of us I needed something to keep the girls entertained and to break up the journey.  Spot a Lot Vehicle adventure did just this.

spot a lot vehicle adventure

Our first Spot a lot book from Parragon was a huge hit with the girls and still proves to be very popular.  I knew that this book would be as popular.  Following a similar theme from the first book Spot a lot vehicle adventure has you looking for items and counting too.  The book is ideal for travelling on a plane as you can read the story and then re read and look for different items.  

The great advantage of a spot a lot book is each time you read you can spot something else, or make up a new game to play with the book.  It kept the girls entertained during the flight and got them thinking and interacting.  I am a big fan of the Spot a Lot series of books as it is a book the girls can get involved with together.

This book was sent as part of the Parragon Book Buddy, all words are my own opinion. 

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