I have been looking forward to today for some time. The girls have been watching Basil Brush on his YouTube channel and it has brought back some funny memories from my childhood. Today we went to watch him live.
We made the journey to York via train and whilst only just over an hour the train journey is very exciting for the girls. Grandma travelled with us which made it even more exciting. After a lovely lunch in York city centre we headed over to the Opera House.
The girls were excited when they saw the stage. We took our seats and waited for the show to start.
The show was everything I had hoped it would be and more. Really interactive, had songs and dancing in for the kids and jokes for the adults. At one point just one Dad laughed really loud at one of the jokes. It was true all round family entertainment that saw the girls, myself and my Mum laughing out loud. We all really loved it and as I put the girls to bed tonight they said 'Boom Boom'
This Day I love Boom Boom!
This day I love comments and I read everyone