Linked Week 36

Welcome to week 36 of Linked and thank you to all those who joined in last week.

For those new to Linked, Linked is a weekly directory of Linky.  You do not need to write a special post, simply add the main page for your linky or blog hop.  It doesn't even need to be your linky, if you know of a great linky add the main page below so others can find it.  I will comment on all that are added and share on  twitter.  

It would be great if you could add my badge, so that more people know about Linked creating a more in depth directory.  As always if I can join in with the Linky I will. 

This day I love - Linked

Linked also works in a reverse order, this means the latest to be added is first in the list.  If your Linky ends just as Linked starts feel free to add both your previous and current Linky to the list.  If you have a monthly Linky feel free to add it every week.  Let's find some great blogs to read and discover some new Linky!

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  1. Thankyou for hosting, I'll be back later to have a look around when there are some more links! xx

  2. Thanks for hosting. Still (after nearly 3 week) have no broadband at home, but will try and be back soon to visit others.

  3. Thank you for hosting and allowing me to link up! Hope you are all well! Sim xx


This day I love comments and I read everyone