Ideas For Welcoming Baby Into The World
As the New Year approaches it suddenly dawns on me that we will soon be welcoming Thing 3 into the world. I know the girls are really excited. They are already making things for the baby and creating lots of pictures to put up in the babies room.
I have started to look at things for Thing 3 and will start shopping for our new arrival in the New Year. Many people use these last few weeks to organise Christenings and Naming Ceremonies too. This is not something we plan on doing, but both are beautiful ways to welcome a new baby into the community. There are often Christening gifts given at this time too. Gifts that are personalised with the baby’s name and date of birth are so precious.
I have a lovely portrait of the family from when my current youngest was a baby. I love that photo more than anything! I can’t wait to have another photo done with Thing 3 as a baby. It’s such a lovely way to welcome a baby into the family. It helps to solidify as us a complete unit. Best of all, it will last forever as a reminder of the time Thing 3 first arrived into our family.
This blog was first started as a way to share the girls’ early life. It’s a permanent record of all the fun things we do each day. I’m glad Thing 3 will be born into that. Many parents start up an email account so they can write a few things to their kids. They can then read that as they grow up. There will undoubtedly be lots of questions about things that were discussed too. I just hope I can remember it well enough many years down the line.
I think that birth is such a special moment for Mummy, Daddy and the baby. Like most Mums, I want nothing more than to cuddle my little bundle of joy. I am hoping things go to plan this time around but I guess we will have to see what nature has planned.
I am now starting to get very bigger and several people have commented on how I have grown over the last few weeks. I am in no rush for Thing 3 to arrive, as I want to make the most of this pregnancy. No matter how uncomfortable I might get.
This day I love comments and I read everyone