The final few weeks seem to be flying by. I have a scan at 36 weeks, and the result of this scan could mean that I am induced that day. Which in turn means Thing 3 could be here in 2 and half weeks! I am not sure if I am ready just yet but the decision is now out of my control. It dawned on me that this is the final week of January which means to get to term I only have 1 month left.
I have lost count of the number of blood tests, physio and midwife appointments I have had these past two weeks. I had the whooping cough vaccine along with routine blood tests. They decided my iron was low but wanted to repeat the tests which then resulted in me having to take iron tablets. The first tablets I was put on I had a very severe reaction and was close to a stay in hospital. The second set reacted bad but not as bad and finally I am now taking SpaTone which so far I seem to be OK with.
The mornings seem to be spent visiting the surgery or the hospital and the afternoons I spend cuddling my youngest. I am trying to make the most of the time together just the two of us. As my iron levels seem to be increasing I am not feeling as tired, but I am still in a lot of pain which is reducing the amount of activities I can do with her. Bump is also restricting my movements, if I sit too long my legs go very numb and painful.
We are doing our best to keep active and get out and about. We braved the cold weather and an early morning start to volunteer at parkrun. My eldest accompanied me and helped with the finish tokens
Thing 3 has been getting stronger and movements are coming very frequently. I love feeling baby move and having hiccups. There is one movement Thing 3 does which the girls did not do and I have no idea what it is, but it feels like they are waving or shaking. Will see when they are born.
Braxton Hicks are coming thick and fast these past few weeks. Much more painful than they were with the girls, after a quick tweet many of you also said this happen in their third pregnancy so I felt reassured, thank you. I think I am also having some early labour symptoms on top of Braxton Hicks. In addition to Braxton Hicks, I am getting some very strong contractions accompanied with a downward push and lower back pain, they last for about 30-40 minutes and then disappear.
The Glucose tolerance test took place this week, although it should have happened at 28 weeks. It was certainly not a pleasant experience but not as bad as I was expecting. Having not heard anything since the test I have been told that this means there is no further action required. I was expecting this to be the outcome as I have no diabetic symptoms, and I had a HBa1c blood test performed which came back normal.
The midwife was however a little worried about Thing 3, mainly due to the reactions I had had with the iron tablets and the strange movements so sent me to the ward to be monitored.
Thing 3 does not like to be touched and so spent the entire time trying to kick the monitor pads off my tummy. Much to the amusement of the midwives and myself.
I am finding it difficult to sleep again, Mainly because I cannot get comfy but also because I keep waking in the night with bad heart burn. I had a week of not too much pain and a week of agony.
The nursery is now complete, the car seat has been ordered and the pushchair has arrived. On top of this I have washed and put away the nappies and clothes and even packed my hospital bag. Feeling rather organised this week, oh and nesting has started to kick in.
Not long to go now!
This day I love comments and I read everyone