Dragons, princess and a spaceman

We spent this afternoon with friends at a museum that is very hands on for children.  This made it great for the girls as they could explore and learn by playing.  Use their imagination and generally have a lot of fun.  

The girls looked around the exhibitions and enjoyed the hands on exhibits, however their favourite area was the dressing up box.  They wasted no time in using their imaginations and coming up with stories.

princess on a white horse

I think their favourite game by quite a long way was the dragon who chased the princess.

dress up as dragon

It was lovely to watch them all take turns in dressing up as the dragon and chasing each other.

eldest as dragon

My favourite though was the spaceman, she did look rather good!

This day I love Dragons, princess and a spaceman

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  1. Aww! What fab costumes! It sounds like you had a fantastic day out x


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