Plagiocephaly Awareness Day

Today is Plagiocephaly Awareness Day.

Plagiocephaly or flat head syndrome, now affects 47% of babies and is caused when infants spend excessive periods of time lying or resting in the same position – whether in the cot, baby bouncer or car seat.  Preventative treatments recommended by health practitioners focus on repositioning baby’s head as much as possible, to vary the pressure spots on the skull. All too often though, positional plagiocephaly is diagnosed too late, leaving parents to seek out often costly alternatives

Plagiocephaly: The Facts

A baby’s skull is made up of several sections of bone, connected by fibrous joints called sutures, that fuse later in life. During the early months of a child’s life, the skull itself is soft and malleable.

Plagiocephaly (flat-head syndrome) occurs when an infant’s soft skull becomes flattened in one area, due to repeated pressure on that particular part of the head

Many babies develop plagiocephaly by sleeping regularly in one position, or by spending extensive time sitting in the same position in a seat or swing.

Plagiocephaly occurs more often in premature infants whose skulls are even more pliable than other babies. These babies may spend a great deal of time lying down as they receive treatment for other medical complications.

The medical profession now acknowledges that Plagiocephaly is not just aesthetic.

Ways to help

The current treatments recommended by health officials include; tummy time, varying the way baby is carried/handled, feeding on both sides, and by strategically positioning mobiles and toys in their cots to change the direction of focus. The NHS report, ‘the earlier that Plagiocephaly is detected, the greater the chance that it can be stopped’. 

Babymoov is also committed to preventing Flat Head syndrome and has teamed up with a French paediatrician - Dr Maidenberg - to create an affordable, simple solution: the Lovenest.  The Lovenest has an ergonomic design, featuring a special incline to ensure pressure is evenly distributed across the infants head, thereby helping maintain the natural curvature of the skull. It also works to ensure good ventilation during sleep and is made from soft, breathable fabrics. Suitable from birth and for use in pushchairs, bouncers, cots and cribs, and available in a range of colours (Blue, Smokey & White).

We have been using the Lovenest with baby for the past few weeks and have noticed a remarkable difference in their sleep.  Not only are we helping to stop the pressure on the same point on the skull, but baby seems much more settled with the Lovenest, as if it is providing the support that young infants need.  The Lovenest is wonderfully soft and very easy to use.  The ergonomic design supports babies head and neck, and they can still turn their heads to look around.

Priced at £14.99 the Lovenest from BabyMoov is a wonderful innovative solution to help prevent flat head syndrome. 

The Lovenest was sent to us in exchange for this post, all words are my own personal opinion. 

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