Christmas Gift ideas - for the pets

After attending several Christmas in July previews this year I wanted to put together a few gift guides.  They are going to be a little different from the for him, for her and for the kids and I hope they might provide some food for thought.  I filmed the Christmas in July shows, and whilst a little long there are lots of sneak peaks at what is available for Christmas

My first gift guide is for 'Pets' !

Our dogs are very much part of our family, they have their own advent calendars at Christmas and of course a present from us.  I think therefore it is only right I start of with a gift guide devoted to pets.

1. Christmas Dinner

Our dogs love to get involved with Christmas dinner and Tesco are bringing out their very own Christmas dinner for dogs!

2. Dog biscuits

Treat your dog this Christmas to some biscuits from Biscuiteers.  Doggy biscuits are available in three flavours and with some purchases Biscuiteers donate to the dog trust, so even doggies without forever homes can have a Christmas treat

3. Christmas Jumper

Let your dog join in with the Christmas fun and buy them their very own festive jumper.  This one is available from Poundland

4. A new bed

A good nights sleep, how about a new bed for your pet this Christmas? Dobbies have a wide range including this radiator cat bed
5. Poop bag holder

Ok I cannot believe I have written the word Poop in a Christmas gift guide, but these are gorgeous poop bag holders and something I have not seen before.  It beats carrying around black bags, and there are a variety of designs available.  From Dotcomgiftshop

What are your top finds for pets this Christmas? 

I have received no products and no financial compensation for this guide. 

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