A first Christmas, that in between week and reflections
Christmas eve was spent with my husbands family and our usual Christmas eve traditions.
Little man and the girls enjoyed spending time with their Grandparents and were very excited that in the morning was Christmas. The girls asked every 2 minutes if they could put their PJ on and if it was time for bed, and for the first time ever I had 3 children asleep in their own beds by 7pm.

Unfortunately that did not last very long. My eldest woke up at 9pm asking if it was morning and it took over an hour to get her back to sleep, then Little Man woke up. His temperature was raging. We managed to settle him and cool him down but at 2 am it was back up again. After cooling him down he woke again 2 hours later with it sky high. At 6.30am I was getting ready to take him to hospital, his temperature super high. As I was about to grab the bag he fell asleep and his temperature had started to come down, so I decided to sit with him and wait a bit longer. Thankfully he slept and his temperature came down.
The girls woke at 8, really excited and wanting to see if he had been. I on the other had was exhausted and dealing with a very poorly little one. We headed downstairs and Father Christmas had been, the girls excitedly opened their presents.
Little Man on the other hand had no idea what was going on, but seemed to enjoy patting all the boxes. He really was not feeling well and was not his normal playful self
We spent the day taking it easy, watching films, playing with toys and eating chocolate. Little Man tried his hardest, but really was far too poorly.
This photo pretty much sums up his first Christmas, not what we had wanted or planned but just goes to show how poorly he was.
The girls loved spending the day playing with their toys and playing board games together. Apart from a poorly Little Man it was a perfect day.
Boxing Day we headed over to my parents house for Christmas part two. A traditional Christmas dinner, plenty of fun and games and the girls got to do Christmas for a second time. Little Man still not very well and sleeping for most of the day.
In all honesty I have not taken very many pictures since boxing day. We spent the 27th at home trying to look after a poorly Little Man, then I got his cold and feel rubbish, plus incredibly tired. The girls playing with their presents and generally having fun.
Needing a change of scenery plus the girls needed some new clothes we headed out to the sales on the 28th. We spent the whole day out together, picking up the food shop for the week, finding some great bargains in the sales and even clearing a few errands. I took no photos as we were out and about shopping.
On the 29th we headed out with Grandma for a bit more retail therapy and to find the girls some new school shoes. Little Man is now walking with furniture so we also had his feet measured.
Shoe shopping was accompanied with more bargain hunting and some new running shoes for me! I have a lot of races booked next year and am eager to get back out for a run, I need to get over this cold first.
Friday 30th and we had a party to attend for the girls friends. It was lovely to be out the house and see the girls enjoy themselves. We walked there and back and it was nice to get some fresh air. Upon returning home we began taking down the Christmas decorations and Grandma and Grandad came over to say hello. My eldest asked to do a few things for school so we had a look at Spelling Zappers from twinkl, and used her new clock to help her learn to tell the time.
After a very unsettled night we are currently all very tired and taking it easy today. Tidying the playroom and the rest of the house, watching tv and eating far too much chocolate. As it is New Years eve we are having a treat tonight and making some Freakshakes inspired by the recipe from Monty Bojangles to celebrate together.
As we are all full of cold I have no idea if we will stay awake to watch in the New Year. Little Man is currently sleeping and it is 6pm, but he has not had any dinner yet so I think he will wake up hungry soon, meaning he will be up most of the night. We shall simply enjoy our evening together and see how things go.
Looking ahead to 2017 we are wanting to travel more as a family, now Little Man is slightly older he is easier to travel with and the girls are always asking where we can go and explore next! I am wanting to run more and have a race booked for every month of 2017, you can keep up with my races here. 2016 brought us Little Man and I took a back seat from the blog to spend time with him. In 2017 I want to blog more, improve my photography and create my videos for YouTube. Most importantly I want to spend time with all 3 of my children, my family and create some wonderful memories.
This day I love comments and I read everyone