Staying in from the storm
Storm Doris seemed to have skirted round the edges of our village, with just some wind and very cold weather. Nothing too bad, but bad enough that we opted to stay inside today. The dog went out and came back, so I know it wasn't too windy.
Staying in gave us the perfect opportunity to have a very lazy day, which is exactly what we did. Little Man is almost over his cold, not quite 100% but he did eat a bit of food today so I know he is getting better. I have been suffering with back pain again this week so a lazy day suited me well, particularly after the past few sleepless nights.
Whilst Little Man was awake we put on a DVD that both the girls and Little Man liked, the teletubbies.
2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the teletubbies. I can remember sitting with my youngest sister and watching them and even watching them through university as we reminisced childhood. Both girls are still fans of the teletubbies. My eldest used to ask for 'dirty knees' when she was a baby and it was her way of asking for a particular episode of the teletubbies. The girls love to guess which teletubbie is going to jump last, or which tummy will light up and they love to cuddle their brother as they all watch together.
The DVD 'Big Hugs' was thoroughly enjoyed by all three children and there were lots of big hugs all around! Storm Doris was still trying to blow up a storm outside so the girls got set to colouring with the colouring pad that came with the DVD and I sat down to read the Tubby custard ride with Little Man.
Little Man started patting the book on the tubby custard page, I think because of the bubbles. He waved at the teletubbies and enjoyed making them appear with the push and pull sections of the book. His sisters found him funny at how excited he kept getting.
It was soon time for Little Man to have a nap, and whilst they waited for him to settle the girls sat down to watch the DVD again.
Storm Doris might have been causing chaos outside, in some areas, but at home we had a lovely lazy day together with the teletubbies!
This day I love staying in from the storm
I received the book and DVD in exchange for this post, all words are my own opinion
This day I love comments and I read everyone