We started our Summer holidays with a very long car journey to visit my sister in Worthing. We had not been to see her new house and the girls were desperate to go and visit their Auntie. It was a perfect way to start of the summer holidays.
Little Man made himself at home as soon as we arrived. My sister is a dog walker and also boards dogs so Little Man decided to pick out one the dog bed he liked the best. He did have a real bed before anyone says anything!
We had a mix bag of weather, seeing all seasons in a week. Everything from bright hot sunshine, to hail and heavy rain. We made the most of the sun when it made an appearance by heading out and exploring the many beaches.
Little man absolutely loved the beach. Sand to dig and run through his fingers through, water to splash in and rocks to throw! He was in his element and could not stop smiling. The girls enjoyed exploring the many rock pools and dipping their feet in the water. I wish I had taken my proper camera with me, instead making do with the phone.
We spent lunches in independent cafes, discovering new foods and meeting new people. Drinking milkshakes, eating ice creams and yummy cake.
The pier provided much entertainment for the girls. Rides and things to explore. Watching the sea below. Taking everything at a nice east pace and simply enjoying our time away.
During the warm weather you would be forgiven thinking you were abroad. Standing on the pier and looking down the coast was simply beautiful.
I had discovered a local race taking part during the week and could not resist taking part. It was absolutely throwing it down with rain, I was soaked to the bone before it even began.
The highdown hike as the name might suggest was a rather hilly route. Coming from a place full of hills I was intrigued as to what was classed as a hill in the south. They didn't disappoint. After a double lap of a football pitch in the pouring rain, we headed towards the first hill. A zig zag style course, up a bit, along, up a bit along. seemed to be the theme of the day. Wind blowing and pushing off course, small narrow paths making over taking impossible, you ran at the speed of the person in front. Very, very slippy in sections where the exposed rock had got wet, challenging in others where the long wet grass made running difficult. Downhills where I would have got some speed were too slippy under foot, and having seen one runner slip and injure themselves decided it just wasn't worth the risk. Back into the football field for a final lap before finishing!
It was however a really enjoyable course and route, and had the weather conditions been better a fast course. I loved the experience, and it was really fascinating watching all the different clubs meet up. An outsider watching an array of colours form groups, people chatting and discussing the race. It was simply great to observe for a change before a race started.
Our final day was spent chilling at my sisters house, because sometimes you need to dress up as a cowboy and eat raisins on the stairs.
We had had a fantastic week in Worthing with my sister. No real plans and taking things slow. A perfect start to the summer holidays. Just going with the flow and exploring the local area. A wonderful week away!
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