playing outside before lunch

The sun was out again this morning, I could get used to it.  After getting the girls dressed we went outside to play in the garden before lunch.  My eldest took her dolly for a walk round the garden and in her words, 'shhh Mummy I am trying to get the baby to sleep'.  

pushing pram

After she had got her baby to sleep, she drove her car and when I asked where she was going she said shopping


Her sister helped by keeping watch

keeping watch

It was really lovely to spend some time this morning with the girls playing in the garden and really lovely to hear my eldest using her imagination.  I am looking forward to the summer, fingers crossed we get one, so that I can start making the garden ours and paint the girls play house and climbing frame.

This day I love playing outside before lunch

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  1. Beautiful! I love that pink jacket on your daughter ... the one in the bottom picture. Did it come like that or did you embellish it?

  2. Imagination is a wonderful thing to encourage. Looks like your eldest is a proper little mummy in the making! Thank you for sharing your morning outdoors on Country Kids

  3. What a beautiful morning. It does show just how much they learn from watching us and just how important it is to be a good role model. Looks like you are doing a great job

  4. It is wonderful to just get outside with them and watch them create a whole world for themselves. The weather has been great too

  5. Wow, my son would love to have a steering wheel in the garden. That is such a great idea!

  6. aww so sweet, lovely pictures xx

  7. i love how she told you that she was trying to get her dolly to go to sleep!! how wonderful to have a steering wheel in the garden too x

  8. Cute's so good to be able to capture all of these sweet moments. I look back in time and wish digital cameras were around when I was growing up - I'd love to see all of the different changes, which would have been easier to capture with the technology of today!

    I'm stopping by from Create with Joy's Friendship Friday Linky. Have a great weekend!

    1. I have so many pictures I wish I had time to print them and put in a book

  9. Love it when little ones start to play with their imagination :) Lovely pictures.

    Visiting you through Coombe Mill Country Kids :)


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