Watching the world go by

The girls and I had an early start as we walked to the train station to catch a train to York.  Upon arrival on the platform we discovered the first train cancelled, and the second a 31 minute delay.  This prompted me to get in the car and drive to Leeds train station.  My eldest was ever so disappointed.

We managed to catch a train at Leeds, that was earlier than the original planned connecting train but at the time I did not realise it took longer.  My daughter was just happy to be on the train

on the train

She has taken to wearing her doll inside her coat, I think its because I usually carry her sister in a sling inside my coat.

We met up with some very lovely blogging Mums from Britmums and had a lovely chat.  My daughter loved to watch the world go by from the window of our meet up

watching the world

She was joined by 'the Olivers mad house' 


It was really lovely watching them watch the world together and point things out to each other,

After a lovely meetup I took my girls to the National Railway museum.  The museum is free to enter and is next to the train station so was perfect to have a look round before heading home.

My daughter really loved it

too excitingpaddington

Thomas the tank engineroyal train

She even managed to find time to play with the toys they had provided

wooden trainplay train

After a really busy day I could think of no better way to end it but with a chocolate train lollipop.

youngest and chocolateeldest with chocolate

This day I love Watching the world go by

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  1. Ah, looks like a lovely day out. I used to live in York, I miss it!

  2. What a lovely idea, looks like you had a great time


  3. What a lovely idea, looks like you all had a great time

  4. Sounds like you had a lovely day. It's a shame Grace and I live so far from you, Jaime and your kids, Grace would have loved playing with them :) x

  5. Glad you enjoyed your day despite the first train cancellation.


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