
The weather stayed quite nice today which gave the girls and I an opportunity to do a little bit more work in the garden,  Following on from a few weeks ago when we began to clear up the twigs and leaves I decided that today we would take care of our garden wildlife.

The girls and I love watching the wildlife in our garden, one of the reasons we bought the house was for the woodlands at the bottom of the garden.  We have a hedgehog which regularly visits and we built a den for him with the twigs in the corner of the garden, behind the shed, so the dog cannot get him.  On a recent trip out I took the time to show my daughter the things we can and cannot feed hedgehogs, which she really enjoyed and has not stopped telling me we cannot feed them milk or fish

hedgehog eathedgehog

The girls love to stand at the kitchen door and look out into the garden to watch the birds, so we put up our window box feeder so we can watch the birds eat

window box

This is a great way to get up close to watch the birds and the squirrel tends to leave this food alone as it cannot climb the window

I explained to my eldest how it is important to clean the bird feeders regularly and so we got to work giving them a wash in some mild detergent

washing bird feeders

After washing, rinsing and drying the bird feeders we filled them back up with seed and hung them out for the birds

bird feeders

We will be making some more bird food like we did here, but I had run out of bird seed so could not do it today.  We are also going to be making some bird feeders from toilet roll tubes but again I need some seeds so we may do this later in the week.

Our final job for the wildlife in our garden was to fill up our water bowl

fill up waterwater

This year we are trying to encourage wildlife into the garden.  Our garden has very few plants but has lots of trees.  Late last year the girls and I planted over 200 bulbs into the garden, including English bluebells, as we are trying to create a woodland feel to the garden.  So far only a couple of flowers have appeared but I am hoping more do soon.

I also ordered some plants today which will help create more of a habitat for the birds, bees and butterflies.  All the plants that have been chosen are to encourage wild life into the garden.  These include Callicarpa profusion, for the birds, honeysuckle for the bees and Buddleia for the butterflies.  I am also looking for ladybird and insect houses so the girls can learn more about insects and ladybirds.  It is nice to finally make a start on the garden, we moved in almost a year ago and so far not much has changed.  

Next year we will be starting our fruit and Vegetable garden.  I am currently working out the best spot to grow in, as we have an East facing garden and the trees cast shadows on the garden at different points during the day.  Our previous house was a south facing garden and we had a successful fruit and veg patch.  I am looking forward to growing our fruit, veg and herbs with the girls.

This day I love gardening 


This is my entry into the Tots100 Center Parcs Family blogger challenge 

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  1. Awww - so sweet with her little watering can!!! How many trips did she need before the water feature was full? Sounds like you've got a great selection of bulbs on the go - I think I've got nearly as many! Can't wait to see a pic of them when they're blooming x

    1. It took her a good while to fill it up but she was determined. Im looking forward to seeing the garden develop too


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