how does your garden grow?

by - 22:26

Sister, Sister, I'm only learning,  How does our garden grow?

bagdigging holes
soilgloves on

We sow our seeds, beneath these trees

seed packetopen seedssprinkle
sprinkle sprinklecarfeul

And water them just like so

water can

Then water them just like so

water herbschecking plants

water beewater acer

This day I love how does your garden grow?

This post is an entry for BritMums #Kidsgrowwildchallenge with Money supermarket

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  1. I love these photos! It's nice to finally get some decent weather in the UK, let's hope it continues!

  2. Sweet post and how they are growing! Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part

  3. How sweet!. Fab pics and looks like they are having lots of fun! Good luck! x


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