Messy paint making sludge

My eldest daughter wanted to do some painting.  I thought it was rather a nice day to be stuck indoors painting so instead we took the paint outdoors.  I asked the girls to choose what colour paint they would like.  My eldest went for black and pink and my youngest chose yellow and green.  The paint went in the tuff spot
The girls began by walking in the paint, a little slowly at first and gentle walking round over the cardboard.
foot printstesting the paint

The next stage was of course to put your hands in and feel the paint

looking at the printsgetting hands in

Soon the girls discovered the car track I had put down for them and they began rolling the cars through the paint and down the track
rolling cars down the track
Soon they decided to roll themselves down the track, which was so lovely to watch
Messy Play then started getting serious.  The girls decided they needed more paint and my youngest started bringing over the colours she wanted.

My eldest however decided she wanted to make sludge and squeezed paint into the tuff spot.  

The girls used their hands and feet to mix the paint.  It wasn't long before they got in the tuff spot and started sliding around, giggling as they went.
The girls both had so much fun, it was lovely watching them explore and play together.

This Day I love Messy paint making sludge

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  1. This looks like fantastic messy fun!

  2. What a great messy painting project!


  3. They say messy play is the best play, I think your girls show just how much fun it can be! Not sure I would like the cleaning up part though - thanks for sharing their creative fun with Country Kids.


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