A lonely flock

by - 14:33

Our flock of Ewan's have been a little lonely recently. The girls are now aged 2 and 4 and since their birth they have had an Ewan. A they have gotten older they have become less reliant on Ewan's magical noise to calm them to sleep and the beautiful red glow is no longer needed. Ewan however is still a much loved member of our family. He gets played with by the girls and can often be found eating grass and giving cuddles.

Our flock of Ewan's seem to be loosing direction and needed a new leader. Russell arrived and has stepped up to the challenge. Russell, the sheep dog, gives great cuddles. The girls were smitten when they met him back in march and love him now he has arrived with us.

Russell has been very good at watching his flock of Ewan and also taking care of the girls.  Russell has a calming blue and green glow which provides great comfort to the girls at night.  You can also record 4 minutes of audio which plays 8 times on repeat [32 minutes in total] to add your own personal touch.  This gives you the option to record whatever you like to help your child to sleep.  With my daughter experiencing a fear of the dark at the moment, the calming light show with the combination of 2 sleep inducing colours has been proven to help the body release soothing and calming hormones thereby triggering sleep.  As the show last 30 mintues this should be enough to help my eldest daughter.

Russell certainly is brilliant at protecting our flock of Ewan and helping to protect the children against their bedtime fears.  Keeping them company and calming away their fears.  Russell is the perfect companion for toddlers and older children.  He really is top dog.

I was sent a Russell to review.  All words and opinions are my own

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