Icy muddy walks

The girls love exploring and the outdoors.  The paths nearby are just about passable now the ice has melted.  I took the girls out for some fresh air and a chance to explore.

The girls could not resist the temptation that is a muddy puddle and had great fun breaking the ice on top to splash in the mud

breaking ice to jump in puddles

Although some of the puddles ended up being very deep.

deep puddles

We started by walking around a local country park but it got very busy, so we took the opportunity to explore further afield.  The girls loved running free through open fields and climbing up grass banks.  They found some great places to relax too

relax on the walk

We even managed a sit down and cuddle together

selfie with eldest

The setting sun could only mean one thing, it was time to begin the walk home

beautiful viewsSunset on a cold day

It was a really lovely day and nice to be able to explore.

This day I love icy muddy walks. 

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  1. This looks like a lovely day out for you all, it's great that you got to explore further afield as the weather's getting a bit warmer. It's always a bit of a worry going out with ice in case someone falls. That's a VERY deep puddle! Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.


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