An Enchanted winter wonderland

Last year I took the girls to Enchanted.  It was a magical night and when I heard it was on again this year I knew I had to get tickets.  This year Enchanted also had a magical fair ground and had been turned into a Winter wonderland.

on the rides

The girls wanted to go on all the rides but at £2 per person per ride it soon became expensive.  They selected 2 rides each and the horse carosel.  

We spent over an hour in the fair ground before heading down to the Enchanted forest.  We could see the lights glowing in the distance and yes it rained again this year.

enchanted forest

Some of the lights were the same as last year but there was a couple of new ones.  The girls loved them just as much especially the ones they could interact with

into the lightfairy door

 We came around the corner after the elves workshop and the girls were a little star struck when they spotted Anna hidden in the Enchanted forest.

meeting Anna from Frozen

This then prompted them to look for Elsa.  

She wasn't hidding in the Santa grotto, though they did sneak a peak of Father Christmas in there.

Finding Father Christmas

The girls went through the magical wardrobe and through the magical forest.  They could hear some singing and around the corner there was Elsa.

Finding Elsa

The girls thought the Enchanted forest was really magical and could not believe they had found Elsa and Anna hiding in there.  It was time to catch the train back home

Christmas train stop

We all had a really magical evening and look forward to the festive fun next year

Festive lights

This day I love an Enchanted Winter Wonderland

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  1. What an awesome place to visit! You can tell your girls had lots of fun!

    Thank you for linking up with the #WeekendBlogHop

    Laura x x x


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