My dogs have a love/hate relationship with our postman. They hate he has to come into their territory to deliver the post and that as excited as they get he never seems to bring them anything. They love that our postman always has treats in his pocket for them and always has time for a cuddle.
One of these was about to change recently when a Pawsome box was delivered for the dogs. They both got very excited by this delivery and could not wait to get the box open.
Once the box was open everyone, including the girls wanted to see what was inside.
Our Pawsome box was filled with love. Heart shape toys, toothpaste for fresh breath kisses, treats and more toys. Both dogs loved the entire contents and J hasn't put the pig down all week. Spotty dog loved all the treats and kept running off with the tub.
The Pawsome box is delivered monthly and is filled with over £30 worth of products. Delivery is free. Each box is unique to your dog. You fill a profile in online to describe your dog and the team at Pawsome then pick the box especially for your dog. The monthly surprise is lovely and a great way to discover new things for the dogs. If you have a cat you can also use the purrfectbox service.
I really love this idea, something every month for the dogs and a great treat.
We received a Pawsome box in exchange for a review. All words are our own opinion.
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