How J and Spotty dog complete the family
This is J and Spotty dog.
J and Spotty dog are a big part of our family and we would be lost without them. Both of them have dog insurance to protect us from any unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances. Spotty dog is a rescue dog from the RSPCA and is almost one. J is nearly 6. They do everything with us. They love to sit with us when we watch TV, play games or even sit as close to me as they can whilst I work
J and Spotty dog love to come with us on walks and to feed the ducks
J and Spotty dog love to play games with the girls in the garden. J loves to play fetch and find tennis balls hidden in the garden. Spotty dog loves the trampoline and chasing after things.
Like children they do do the occasional naughty behaviour and have certainly mastered the 'It was not me' look. Good job they and the house are insured.
On an evening J and spotty dog come and curl up on my legs for a cuddle. Spotty dog still has not worked out how big she is now and still thinks she is a tiny puppy.
The two of them are the best of friends, and are my best friends too.
Like a best friend should they even catch spiders for you
J and Spotty dog complete our family and without them we would be lost.
This day I love comments and I read everyone