The girls were fast asleep and not impressed with my 5am wake up call. However we had a train to catch to London for a rather fun event!
We had been invited by Actimel kids to have breakfast with them and to start the day right with Yoga.
The girls loved the breakfast and tucked into all the different fruit and also got to try some Actimel for kids.
Their favourite flavours are Raspberry and Apricot. They soon realised that the bottles glow in the dark and with three good characters, Ac, Ti and Mel and three alien characters they were soon choosing their favourites.
After breakfast it was time for Yoga, something neither girl had done yoga before. First we had to focus on our breathing
Before we took part in the exercises. I was so proud of my eldest when she volunteered to go up to the front to take part!
I have never seen the girls so still and quiet before, my eldest in particular I think really enjoyed Yoga.
After Yoga the girls learnt all about the importance of a well balanced diet and about nutrition. They listened and took it in before they were given the chance to make their own smoothies. The girls love making smoothies at home and got to try smoothies using Actimel.
After the event we made our way back to the train station and had various options for lunch, I wanted to eat at Leon as it is my treat when we go to London and I was surprised when the girls wanted to eat here too. Seemingly they were listening to the nutrition talk.
It was finally time to catch our train home and what an exciting day it had been
This day I love Actimel Back to school
This day I love comments and I read everyone