3 ideas for displaying memories

There is always someone in every family with whom everyone struggles to buy a gift for.  I know who it is in ours.  With that in mind I have had my thinking hat on recently, about what to buy them, and one of the ideas I came up with is a a way to display memories.

This may sound a little random but I love personalised gifts and it is often that we have many memories stored away in boxes or just away until we get around to doing something with them.  These memories can take the shape of anything from a ticket to a photo.

Clipline Displays

I really love the look of clipline or clothesline displays at the moment.  I like the way you can tailor what each item is without been too specific on size.  Clipline boxes are something I am looking at for Thing 3 bedroom.  I am planning on using it for scan photos, hospital tag and first hat/shoes

Alternatively there are clipline/clothes line style photo frames.  I think this is a great way of creating a bespoke gift for someone.  You could have it display tickets from a first date, or a recent event.  Mix and match photos in there and the great thing is you can use photos of differing sizes.

Photo Frames

Photo Frames are a great way to display memories as often we have them all stored on our phones or on memory cards.  It can be a great gift and one with a real personalised touch.  There are also frames to suit every taste from the more traditional to really modern ideas.

Display cases

Display cases offer a great range of versatility to them.  You can choose to fill all sections or leave some blank.  You can often fill them with more 3D items such as a cork from a first bottle of champagne and combine it with photos and other memorabilia.  

Each of these items can be tailored to suit an individuals taste and therefore create a truly bespoke gift.  

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