Apologies for the lack of posts recently but this week has been rather a strange one. Apart from Monday I have had every day in either the Dr or hospital with various blood tests, physio appointments, vaccinations and allergic reactions. It has been one of those weeks that once I pick my youngest up from school all we both want to do is chill and watch TV. I am also guessing that 5 posts about how I love to spend time with my youngest and just chill, and am so grateful that, at 3 years old, she has such a caring and understanding personality, would probably get a little repetitive. I will save the details for the hospital appointments for my pregnancy round up this week and instead continue with the rest of the week.
After the girls were finally allowed to open up the box, Laa Laa seems to now accompany my youngest everywhere. My youngest and I are enjoying our time together before we pick up her sister from school, but I do wish I could do more with her without so much pain. It won't be long now before her younger sibling makes an appearance and we are making the most of our time together.
I have spent my mornings finishing off the nursery for Thing 3 and am so pleased with the final outcome. I am just in love with the room and cannot wait for Thing 3 to arrive. It feels as if a huge wait has been lifted now the room is complete. There are of course a few bits and pieces that could make the room even better but these can be done once baby arrives.
After a few weeks away I finally felt well enough to volunteer at parkrun again. I have really missed it and it was good to be back. My eldest came with me to help and we had the important task of collecting the finish tokens.
I do feel this week has gone rather quickly, perhaps it is with keeping busy in the nursery. The girls seem to be settling back into a routine this week, which is always good. Am just hoping they let me have a bit of a lie in in the morning!
This day I love comments and I read everyone