A family games night
Today was a day with nothing planned. I do love to have days like this every now and again. It gave me time to get those little jobs done I had not managed to get done all week. Everything from the house work to putting things away in the attic, I was actually surprised at how much we got done. All I have left to do is run the vacuum around, which won't take too long, and clean the en suite!
Having spent the day cleaning, sorting and tidying we spent the evening with a family games night. Grandma had come to join in the fun too. The girls were very excited as it was a new game to them, Junior Monopoly. I have also never played the junior version before and now actually prefer it to the full version.
The girls were really involved and all was going well until my youngest daughter had to go to jail
To say she was unhappy would be an understatement. She did actually walk off, until she realised that on her next turn she was out of jail and then was excited to play again. I guess the prospect of jail to a 3 year old is quite frightening.
My eldest became very competitive and bought everything she landed on, which meant she had a lot of monopoly money.
Overall though we had a lot of fun. It was great to see the girls use some maths skills with doubling and adding. It was lovely watching them play together and we all enjoyed ourselves.
We decided to take part in the National Board Games week family night with Pork Farms, for more details visit this page.
This day I love a family games night
This day I love comments and I read everyone