Today is national Sisters' day.
I am very lucky to have my sisters, and although one of them is no longer with us I still think about her every day and she will always be my sister.
My relationship with each of my sisters was completely different, neither better than the other just different. I love how much my children love my sister and ask about her everyday, even though we do not see her as often as we would like. They even talk about their Auntie who lives in the sky, which I love as it keeps her memory alive.
The bond between each of my children is different too. Little Man is lucky he has two big sisters who absolutely love him. Wanting to do everything, even help me change his nappy. They want to help and do Mother him to some extent, but they are ever so proud of him and tell everyone he is their brother.
The girls are best friends. They do fight and fall out, but that is to be expected. A lot of people ask if they are twins, in fact most people do, which in some ways shows the special bond the two of them have. Always with each other, always asking about each other and always whispering and giggling to each other.
We were hoping that the new Baby Born sister doll would be with us in time for National Sister day, but unfortunately she has not yet arrived. We are, however looking forward to her arrival and will share our thoughts on social media. She will make a great sister to the girls dolls [sorry babies] when she arrives!
This day I love National sister day
This day I love comments and I read everyone