The week with the news and the water
Last week was a very surreal week indeed. During my daughters gymnastic lesson I received an email saying ITV would be at our house in 30 minutes. The piece they were shooting for was to do with screen time in children, and in particular for internet safety day. Both my 6 and 4 year old have a tablet, and my eldest has access to one of my old laptops, so we are more than qualified to talk about screen time in children.
We have many security features in place to try and limit the exposure or access the girls have. The main screen on their tablets are kids only, they need a code to access the internet and we have safety features on the network too. However there are times when one of them is unsupervised on the internet.
The girls each have homework from school and often the best way for them to practise is to access on online resource. I may therefore start one of them working on this online resource whilst working 1:1 with their sister on another task, before switching over. Whilst neither of them, to my knowledge, has deviated from the task they have set, the potential to do so does exist. This unsupervised access to the internet does have some structure but it still remains unsupervised. There is however no other way to fit in the amount of homework each child has to complete, plus family time and our other activities.
This week I have also dug out the tuff spot. I felt it was time to introduce Little Man to messy play, and we started off with water. He was unsure at first, I think more to do with why we were doing this but then he got stuck in.
It wasn't long before the floor was covered in water and he has the biggest smiles! Safe to say we will be doing more messy play over the next few weeks.
Little Man seems to have a real love for water and given how much he enjoyed messy play last week I can certainly see it featuring a lot more and probably a lot more water based play!
This day I love the week with the news and the water
This day I love comments and I read everyone