Little Man and his first birthday
My handsome blue eye boy turned one at the start of March, and in all honesty it has flown. I wrote about those first 12 months and all the amazing things he does, but realised I had not wrote about how we celebrated him turning 1. I can only therefore apologies to him, when he is bigger and reading this, that this post is a little out of sequence and also a little late.
Working from home has the advantages that when it is a special occasion you can take the time to spend it together. Little Man was incredibly excited that his Grandma and Grandad had come to play, and that he had a pile of new toys to play with too!
We decided to take Little Man to the butterfly house. It is a place I visited a lot when the girls were younger, but one we had not yet been to with Little Man. He was captivated by the butterflies flying all around him.
He seemed to just want to take everything in.
All the wonderful colours and animals moving past him. You could see his eyes concentrating on everything going past him. He just loved it.
Little Man watched the other animals too. Looking puzzled with the meerkats as if wondering why the 'dog' looked funny. He did use his very able pointing finger to show us what he was looking at and tried to put it through a few enclosures. The squeaking guinea pigs also caught his attention and he did touch one very gently.
After a lovely few hours it was time to pick his sisters up from school. They were incredibly excited and could not wait to sing Happy Birthday to him, even treated to the Welsh version from his older sister.
Little Man certainly celebrated his birthday in style!
This day I love Little Man and his first birthday
This day I love comments and I read everyone