I love to support the girls in their learning at home and try to do so in fu nways. One such way is with Brainbox games. They offer a wide selection of games from learning German to basic ABC and they also offer a range of not your traditional educational subjects. I use this lightly as I am not sure how to class them.
Brainbox offers a range that includes Marvin's magic. The game tests memory skills based on famous magicians and magical illusions and it also includes instructions for simple magic tricks and some optical illusions.
Marvin's magic is aimed at ages 8+ and in all honesty was too advanced for my 5 year old, who really found it too difficult to play. My 7 year old however is a budding magician and loves anything to do with magic tricks! The game can be played by yourself as it is a memory game, or with other people.
To play you have 10seconds, as counted by a sand timer, to remember as much as possible from one side of the card. You roll a dice which denotes which question you answer. The winner of the game is the one who answers the most questions correctly.
The cards are well illustrated and I would agree with the age rating. Some of the written facts were too tricky for my eldest at 7 to remember, so we did have to adapt the game slightly. It was the same with some of the tricks and illusions. I can however see that when she is older this would be a great game to play.
Brainbox games would make a perfect stocking filler gift, but I would check the age ratings on them first as they do seem true to age.
BrainBox games are available from all good toy stores or for further information visit www.brainbox.co.uk
We were sent the game for review, all words are my own opinion
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