In approximately one months time it will be Christmas. This year is simply flying past, I am not sure where the time is going? I try to be as organised as possible for Christmas shopping, trying where I can to spread the cost throughout the year and wherever possible buying in the sale to save until later in the year.
Some items I have to wait until closer to Christmas day to buy. My children tend to change their minds quite a lot, one minute liking one thing until the next trend comes along and it is here that I have to wait to see what the ‘in’ thing is and buy just before Christmas. With a two year old in tow though I much prefer to do this kind of shopping online. Well who wants to have a two year old having a tantrum in the middle of a shopping centre? I also don’t have the stress of trying to find a parking space, or have to battle through the crowds of people to simply then have to queue for hours on end just to pick up the last few things. Internet shopping is much easier and simply much more convenient.
Certain sites allow you to spread the cost of your online shopping as well. This makes shopping for Christmas much easier, as you can spread out the cost of those presents rather than having to pay in one go and stretching finances even further. Sites like catalogues247 have all the latest fashion and electrical in one place making it a one stop shop for Christmas shopping. There is also free delivery available so I don’t have the additional cost of delivery too.
Using a site like catalogues247 means I can purchase the final few items the girls have asked for for Christmas and spread the payment out throughout the year. I can tick off those wish items too! Then once Christmas is over, and finances are less stretched I can pay for the items and begin to look in the sale to get ready for next Christmas. I find it really does help to plan ahead as best you can and spread the cost throughout the year. Do you have any top tips for helping with the cost of Christmas?
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